Work-from-Home | Expert Tips

For billions of people across the world, work from home has become the new normal. However, working from home can present a unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining a work-life balance. Over here we discuss some useful tips to draw a distinct line between home and office and stay healthy while working from home:
- Create a small home office: You don’t need an entire room to create a home office. A designated desk and chair are perfect for creating a space that will separate your professional life from personal. Establishing a workspace will help you focus on tasks for the day without getting disturbed by the household distractions. Get a good chair that supports your back and promotes good posture.
- Set a clock out time and stick to it: Make sure you don’t stay online beyond your determined working hours. Also, tracking hours will keep you accountable and help you get the most out of the day.
- Maintain a consistent sleep schedule: Working from home gives you a lot of flexibility. You can manage your time and work whenever you wish. This means you can get up late, work late night or take a nap in the afternoon. But with flexibility comes the struggle with sleep. Hence, it’s better to keep a regular sleep-wake schedule. Having a sleep schedule has a direct effect on the quality of your sleep. Getting up and going to bed at the same time can improve the quality of sleep. Also, avoid distractions like late-night screen time that can interfere with your sleep cycle.
- Have scheduled breaks: To get the most out of your day, plan your routine in the morning. Give yourself a 10-minute break every hour and walk away from the computer screen.
- Eat mindfully and keep yourself hydrated: One of the major work-from-home distractions is mindless snacking. If you can’t overcome the impulse to snack every time you feel emotionally triggered, then it can have negative effects on your health. One way to deal with this is to keep healthy snacks at home. The other is to eat away from the desk. This will help you eat your meals mindfully. It is also important to stay hydrated. Drink 3 liters of water daily.
- Boost immunity: Strengthening your immunity is very important during these times. Include immune-boosting food like garlic, ginger and citrus fruits into your daily diet. Practise social distancing and wash your hands frequently. You can take Pankajakasthuri Breathe Eazy - our ayurvedic medicine to boost your respiratory immune system and prevent infections. Another ayurvedic medicine to boost the immune system is Chyavanaprash. It also acts as a cardiac stimulant.