Fighting Anxiety during the Covid-19 Crisis

These are frightening times. With the world in throes of the Covid-19 crisis, it’s natural to have anxiety and fear. When will this pandemic end? Will this pandemic ever end? These are some of the questions taking a toll on everyone’s mental health. The uncertainty in itself is hard to handle. On top of it, not able to go out and have social interactions can hurt one’s health and mental well-being. If you are in the same boat as most people, let us first tell you that it’s perfectly okay to feel what you are feeling right now. But fortunately, you are not powerless. There are several ways to keep your spirits up and fight anxiety.
Over here we discuss some easy and simple ways to ease stress.
1. Limit the amount of information you consume: At a time when every conversation is dominated by COVID-19, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. While it is important to remain updated about what is happening in the community, you should also avoid misinformation and sensationalistic coverage of the pandemic that leads to panic and fear. Stick to a few trusted news sources. Constant monitoring of social media feeds can also trigger anxiety.
2. Focus on things you can control: How the COVID-19 crisis will pan out in the future is not in your hands. However, fixing things around you is in your hands. First and foremost, follow all the hygiene practices to protect yourself from COVID-19. Wash your hands frequently and practise respiratory etiquette. Stick with a healthy diet and exercise at home.
3. Stay connected with friends and family: Not being able to see your friends or family can take a real toll on your emotional health. However, there are ways you can still stay connected with them even when you can't see them physically. From celebrating happy moments together to organising games night, you can make use of video calls to stay connected with others.
4. Organise fun activities at home: Look for ways to take your time off stressful things. From listening to inspiring podcasts to playing family board games, there are many activities you can do to keep yourself busy in a fun way. Pursuing a hobby or decluttering your home can also help.
5. Try breathing exercises and meditation: Learning to relax is very important for your overall well-being. Practise deep breathing exercises and meditation to cope with anxiety and to calm yourself. The beauty of breathing exercises is that you can do it anywhere. Incorporating it in your daily routine is the best way to stick to it. For instance, you can practise breathing exercises before starting your day.
6. Eat simple and healthy food: Long-term stress can wreak havoc on your gut and lead to digestive issues like constipation, indigestion, or an upset stomach. Eating a high-fibre diet that contains fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and whole grains can help you keep digestive issues at bay. Drinking sufficient amounts of water can rev up your metabolism and ensure better digestion.
If you think you are facing digestive problems like acidity, heartburn and gas problems, you can take our ayurvedic antacid Anticid. Our ayurvedic medicine is completely herbal and provides long-lasting relief from gastric disorders.
Sometimes things can be overwhelming. But taking good care of yourself and your family can help you tide over these difficult times.