13 Tips For A Btter Digestive Health

Good digestive health is the key to overall well-being. It not only nourishes the body, but also aids tissue growth, and strengthens the immunity system to fight diseases.
In Ayurveda, our ability to digest (Agni) is one of the important factors to influence our overall health and well-being. If the Agni is weak, then it hampers digestion and leads to toxin build-up in the body.
Over here, we have listed down 13 essential tips to help you improve your digestive health
Eat when hungry only
When you eat when you are hungry, the digestive enzymes can properly break down the food. As a result, there will be no problems of bloating and indigestion. -
Rest after eating
After finishing the meals, take rest for 15 minutes. Extreme physical activities and over exertion just after finishing the meals interfere with the digestive system’s ability to produce sufficient enzymes -
Choose moist food items
Food items that are moist and easy to digest provide more nourishment to the body. However, don’t eat excessive oily food items as they can be difficult to digest -
Don’t overeat
Overeating is one of the most common causes of indigestion. When you eat more food and that too frequently, it leads to acid reflux and indigestion.
The bigger the volume of food ingested, the harder it is for the digestive enzymes to completely break down the food -
Avoid cold beverages and food items
Cold beverages weaken the digestive system and deteriorate the efficiency of digestive enzymes. It’s important not to drink cold beverages with meals. It’s easy for the digestive system to digest warm food items -
Being composed when eating
Feeling agitated or stressed while eating, interferes with the digestive processes. If you aren’t in a peaceful state of mind before eating, meditate, gain your sense of calm, and then proceed with your meal -
Avoid distractions when eating
When you are distracted while eating, you lose focus on your meal and chew improperly. Try to lower distractions whenever you are eating your meal. For instance, while eating don’t watch TV -
Declutter the dining space
When your dining space is clean and uncluttered, you begin to enjoy your meals, which improves digestion -
Drink plenty of water
Drinking sufficient quantity of water is the key to have a better digestive health. With proper hydration, our stomach produces digestive enzymes in sufficient quantity which helps in breaking down the food and absorbing the nutrients -
Organic food
Organic food contains more vitamins and minerals than non-organic food. Organic vegetables contain 10 to 15% more phenolics which keep the gut balanced for better digestion -
Maintain right meal timings
Complete your dinner before 8 PM. Also, the food you eat should be lesser in quantity and easier to digest. Eat your meals around the same time every day -
Eat the largest meal at lunchtime
The digestive fire is at its strongest during midday. This makes noon the best time to eat your largest meal. As the day descends, the digestive fire subsides as the body prepares for sleep -
Limit food items high in fat
Food items, which are high in fat, slow down the digestive process and lead to constipation and indigestion.
To improve digestion, explore Pankajakasthuri products to get relief from digestive disorders
Pankajakasthuri’s Ayurvedic medicines focus on improving digestion through easy and natural ways. Explore the medicines to get relief from digestive disorders here.
At Pankajakasthuri, we work hard to bring the ancient knowledge and healing within your reach through our diverse range of Ayurvedic products. Explore our online Ayurvedic store at http://www.pankajakasthuri.in