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Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Sanskrit Name: Maricha
Scientific Name: Piper nigrum

Telugu Name


Hindi Name


Tamil Name


Malayalam Name


Kannada Name

Kari manesu

Major Part Used
Dried fruit
Regions Grown and Other Relevant Info
Mainly south-western India. Cultivated in Assam, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Kerala
Ayurvedic Properties and Benefits
Black pepper is used in treatment of asthma and chronic respiratory disorders. Maricha improves taste, and relieves Anorexia , it increases digestive strength and balances kapha and vata dosha , it useful in intestinal worm infestation, it is used in treating reccurent fever, Black pepper extract relieves fat deposition by blocking fat cell formation , it is very useful in obesity management,
Major Classical Ayurveda Medicines Containing the Drug
Trikatu churna, Vyoshadi vatakam, Amritharishtam
Usages Practised
1. Maricha paste external application is indicated in Leucoderma and also beneficial in painful inflammatory condition
2. Maricha paste is applied on gum and mouth in tooth ache and dental caries
3. Fine powder of pepper is administered in the dose of 2gm along with honey is used in chest congestion due to phlegm