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Sanskrit Name: Bringaraja
Scientific Name: Eclipta alba

Telugu Name


Hindi Name


Tamil Name


Malayalam Name


Kannada Name

Garagada soppu

Major Part Used
Whole plant
Regions Grown and Other Relevant Info
A common weed herb of moist places found throughout India. In Raja nighantu, white, yellow and blue varieties of the plant are mentioned.
Ayurvedic Properties and Benefits
Bringaraja is an important and widely used medicine in hair care. Bringaraja promotes wound healing and prevent scarring. Bringaraja juice is used as eye and ear drops to relieve infection and pain.Bhringraja in digestive system, expels gas from the stomach or intestines so as to relieve flatulence or abdominal pain or distension, digestant and stimulates the liver, helps for the proper release of pancreatic juice. Indicated in loss of appetite , indigestion, enlargement of liver, spleen and abdominal cramps.
Major Classical Ayurveda Medicines Containing the Drug
Bhringraja tailam, Bhringrajasava, Neelibhringraja tailam
Usages Practised
1. Bhringraj paste external application is indicated in Elephantiasis , Hard swellings etc.
2.Bhringraja juice mixed with goat milk can be used as nasya in headache
3. Bhringraja juice extract is administered along with castor oil to relieve intestinal worm infestation