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Sanskrit Name: Ativisha
Scientific Name: Aconitum heterophyllum

Telugu Name


Hindi Name


Tamil Name


Malayalam Name


Kannada Name


Major Part Used
Tuberous root
Regions Grown and Other Relevant Info
Himalayan Region. There are four varieties identifed in the plant. The roots are exhibited as White, Yellow, Red and Black varieties. The white variety is used in the Ayurvedic formulations.
Ayurvedic Properties and Benefits
Charaka explained Athivisa drug in group of herbs, Lekhaneeya drugs (useful in scraping and fat reducing), Arshogna drugs (useful in piles), Shirovirechana drugs - (used in Nasya treatment). Ativisha improves digestive strength.It will digest and relieves Ama dosha ( A product of indigestion and altered metabolism). It relieves diarrhoea and vomiting, useful in worm infestation and infected wounds, cleanses and detoxifies blood. It relieves swelling and edema by Anti- inflammatory effect. It is also useful in fever,cough and cold.
Major Classical Ayurveda Medicines Containing the Drug
Rasnaerandadhi kwatha, Amritharishta,
Usages Practised
1. For External application - in poisonous bite lepa of Ativisa tubers is beneficial.
2. In swelling the lepa gives good results.
3. In inflammatory Bowel syndrome - Decoction made of Ativisa,Ginger and Musta is administered internally to destroy the Ama.
4. In Rat bite Ativisa root is made in to a paste by grinding with honey and administered orally