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Aswagandha/ Indian Ginseng

Aswagandha/ Indian Ginseng

Sanskrit Name: Aswagandha
Scientific Name: Withania somnifera

Telugu Name

Penneru gadda

Hindi Name


Tamil Name


Malayalam Name


Kannada Name


Major Part Used
Regions Grown and Other Relevant Info
Found in waste lands, cultivated fields and open grounds throughout India.The root of the herb has a distinctive smell that resembles the sweat of a horse, giving it the name Ashwagandha.
Ayurvedic Properties and Benefits
Aswagandha has been used as a Rasayana. Ashwagandha Improves strength and immunity, useful in premature ejaculation and in some cases of erectile dysfunction. It useful in neurological and neuromuscular disorder like paralysis. It useful in wound healing, treating muscle wasting, emaciation, post tubercular treatment, to improve muscle Mass and strength. It helps in reducing blood pressure , and useful in painful menstruation.
Major Classical Ayurveda Medicines Containing the Drug
Aswagandhadi lehyam, Manasamitravatakam, Aswagandharishtam
Usages Practised
1. Fine powder of Ashwagandha 5 gm taken with a cup of warm milk is useful to relieve tiredness, fatigue, and Arthritis
2. 10 gm Ashwagandha root coarse powder cooked well with 200ml of milk and 400ml of water, filtered and consumed when it is lukewarm to promotes the sexual vigor and rejuvenates.