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Sanskrit Name: Amalaki/ Dhatri
Scientific Name: Emblica officinalis / Phyllanthus emblica

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Malayalam Name


Kannada Name


Major Part Used
Fruits, Leaves, Root
Regions Grown and Other Relevant Info
Deciduous forests of India, Cultivated in plantations and home gardens. In India, amalaki is revered in several traditional Vedic festivals. The plant is referred to as divaushadhi in the ancient literature of the Puranas, which means it is a divine plant. One of the properties that makes amalaki so special is that it contains five of the six tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, astringent, and pungent. The only taste missing is salty. This rich combination of flavors gives amalaki a holistic, balancing effect on the all three doshas.
The Charaka Samhita, one of the ancient texts of Ayurveda, has this to say about amalaki: "Of all the rasayanas, Amalaki is revered as one of the most potent and nourishing; Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs.Amalaki is the best among the sour fruits."
Ayurvedic Properties and Benefits
Good for eyes, Improves vision. Of all the anti- aging herbs Amla is the best. Amla is useful in inflammations, bleeding disorders, diabetes, urinary tract disorders, skin diseases, anemia, jaundice, menstrual disorders etc. Improves voice, good for the throat and heart. Relieves burning sensation. The roots are used in treating Ulcerative stomatistis and the leaves are useful in Conjunctivitis, loss of appetitis and dysentery.
Major Classical Ayurveda Medicines Containing the Drug
Chyavanaprash, Triphala churna, Madhusnuhi rasayana, Arimedadi thaila, Ashokarishtam, Chandraprabha gulika, Dhanwantharam Kashayam
Usages Practised
1. 1 Teaspoon of Amalaki powder with 1 teaspoon ghee is beneficial for proper digestion and skin related issues like Acne.
2. 1 Teaspoon of Amla churna with 1teaspoon honey taken in early morning is beneficial for obesity and respiratory disorder
3. Equal parts of Amla and Bringaraja can be mixed and make a paste with water, apllied over the scalp for hair care