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Adulsa / Vasaka

Sanskrit Name: Vasa
Scientific Name: Adhatoda vasica

Telugu Name


Hindi Name


Tamil Name


Malayalam Name


Kannada Name


Major Part Used
Leaves, Root, and Whole plant
Regions Grown and Other Relevant Info
Sub-Himalayan tract and plain regions in India. In Bhavaprakasha Nighantu White and Black varieties of the plant are mentioned.
Ayurvedic Properties and Benefits
Vasa is beneficial in chronic respiratory tract infection and useful in cold, cough and Asthma. Effective in Bleeding disorders. Vasa helps in causing stoppage of bleeding due to Tikta rasa. Vasa is considered as one of the best effective Sthambhana drug because of its bitter taste Sheetha and Rooksha guna.It increases Bala of Agni. It is Kapha pithahara in nature and good for Cardiac health, Jaundice, Skin diseases and Diabetes. Vasa is Deepana-Pachana in nature and Raktastambhaka. Vasa leaf juice is indicated in Asthma, cough and Cold and Allergies.

In Digestive system - Absorbent, indicated in bloody diarrhoea

In Circulatory system - Vasa is good for heart, Constrict blood vessels, Indicated in bleeding disorders, Bleeding in haemorrhoids, Epistaxis, Menorrhagia etc.

In Respiratory system - Vasa pacify kapha dosha, liquify kapha from the respiratory passage and help to expel it out, indicated in cough and Tuberculosis

In Excretory system - Vasa is indicated in dysuria and burning micturition
Major Classical Ayurveda Medicines Containing the Drug
Vasarishtam, Padoladi gritha
Usages Practised
1. The fresh leaf juice of Adathoda mixed with honey is beneficial in various forms of bleedings, cough and Asthma.
2. Medicated smoking with vasa leaf powder mixed with dattura leaf powder is helpful to reduce asthma attacks